Charli Acacia in Buried Treasure
9 years agoCharli Acacia in Buried Treasure
9 years ago
Sponsored by Teen Pies (18+)
Teen Pies (18+)
Charli Maverick
Charli was hanging out at home surfing the net on her phone when she heard the doorbell ring. She opened the door to find one of her dads friends on the other side. While hanging out last night he lost his credit card and was back to look for it. Charli, however, had other ideas and not so subtly tried to guide him in the direction of his missing card - in her shorts! What a conniving little slut! Obviously things went to another level and as soon as Charlis pussy was getting rubbed - it was on. Charli handled the meat like an 18 year old professional and took it with great pleasure in her holes repeatedly. After Charli busted a nut or two of her own she was also left with a juicy creampie in her girl snatch! Wonder what else shes hiding in her shorts...
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